puppy culture

Our puppies are raised in our home using Puppy Culture methods, so they are sent home confident, mellow, and started on proper manners.
Temperament is everything to us, we handle using these methods so that entire litters are even in temperament.
We post to our Instagram daily and take multiple professional photoshoots of our puppies for our families.
We LOVE to do them and we find it's a little something extra for families to get excited for while waiting for their new family member to come home.
what is puppy culture?
Puppy Culture is a program developed by Jane Killion, professional dog trainer and breeder. It is a comprehensive, organized program for breeders and owners to follow during the first 12 weeks of a puppy’s life.
The first 12 weeks of a puppy’s life are incredibly important.
The program includes the following:
Preparation and Prenatal Care
Early Neurological Stimulation
Weaning Setup and Suggestions
Developmental Periods
Enrichment Effect
Early Socialization
Communication Trinity
Problem Prevention